Donate by bank transfer:

Here are the details needed to make a payment directly to the HAFSA account:

Acc no: 65449004 

Sort code: 08-92-99

If you are sending a payment from outside the UK you will need the following details for the HAFSA account:

IBAN: GB87CPBK08929965449004


If you are able, please consider setting up a standing order  – HAFSA relies on your continual generosity for its work.

Donate by cheque:  

Please send your cheque payable to HAFSA to:

HAFSA Treasurer

5 Rockford Ave



Donate online

Become a friend of Sabastiya


For a donation of £10 or more you can become a friend of HAFSA. By joining you get information about our activities and plans, you can participate in our events or visits to Sabastiya and will get an invite to our Annual General Meeting (AGM), during which you can help to elect (or become part of!) the management committee.

We also welcome any ideas you may have towards our aims and encourage you to get involved!