HAFSA projects in Sabastiya
Donations to HAFSA have enabled us to organise and implement countless projects in Sabastiya. From vital training on the use of gas masks, to wellbeing projects including organising a football coach to work with the local team. Learn more about highlights of our work here!
Gas masks and first aid training
Frequent military incursions into the village by the Israeli army bring the danger of tear gas being fired, suffocating villagers and having a dangerous effect on elderly and vulnerable people. We have supported the purchase of gas masks for villagers living close to the archeological site, where clashes take place, and helped to train young people to provide first aid in the event of an emergency.
HAFSA friends helping in Sabastiya
One of our founding members went to Sabastiya to run an ‘English for tourism’ course, to help local people better communicate and cater for tourists. Three participants now work in the tourist sector, using the skills learned on the course. Other members have travelled to Sabastiya to help in the guesthouse , the Sabastiya nursery and with after-school activites in the local library
Football training
We sent a coach to train the Sabastiya youth team for a month and we bought some equipment for them. This project was very popular and improved the confidence of the team, and the results still trickle down today! One of the students, Youssef, represented Palestine in the “free football” competition in the Czech Republic
Olive trees
We raised funds in Autumn 2012 to buy 500 olive trees for families in Sabastiya. Olive trees – the symbol of Palestine – are vital for subsistence and support the livelihood of over 100,000 families across the country. These trees are now bearing fruit and we hope they have a long and fruitful life!
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