Dear members and supporters of Hanwell Friends of Sabastiya,
Help us to plant olive trees in Sabastiya!
Our aim is to buy at least 500 olive trees by the end of November which is when the planting season starts. The trees will be given to the poorest families in Sabastiya. One olive tree costs £5.
This has been suggested by Abu Yasser, our coordinator in Sabastiya, who will oversee the planting and distribution. This is an excellent way to support the village in a very real and practical way. Olive trees are of vital importance for subsistence in Palestine, they support the livelihood of over 100,000 families across the occupied West Bank.
£5 will buy one olive tree which will start producing olives in 2 years time.
You can donate by doing a bank transfer to our HAFSA account:
The Cooperative Bank, Ealing Branch
Sort code: 08 92 99
Account number: 65449004
You can let us know when you donate by bank transfer by emailing us.
Or you can send a cheque made out to HAFSA to:
HAFSA Treasurer, 9 Cardiff Road, Hanwell, London W7 2BW
Please include your name and address so we can send you a receipt and thank you!